I haven't looked at a zine since the 1990s when I lived in Athens, GA and Henry Owens had a music zine. Were you even alive then? Fast forward 25 years or so and an artist friend, Bruno Perosino (@bperosino on Instagram), recently showed me some of the cool zines that he makes.
Today I was browsing the online shop of Pam Wishbone and happened upon her zines! I just love Wishbone's style and her zine Signs of the Night: Sigils of the Order of the Empty Cup (and others) are sitting in my shopping cart. Little did I know there are loads of Halloween and spooky zines out there that cost less than $10. It's the perfect way to support an artist and feed your longing for spooky art. Let's take a look.
This is just a small collection of what I found on Etsy (i know, i know) and keep in mind that all of these artists have other whimspookal things in their shops. Hopefully, I've lit a candle under you to start collecting Halloween zines or maybe make your own.
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