Oddly Sweet Dolls from Lina Mart Dolls

I know I've mentioned in the past that I have three of Lina Macijauskiene's art dolls in my collection- yep, I purchased the two-headed doll after my last post on Lina Mart Dolls. I can't help myself! Lina's dolls, made from fabric and clay, have the most beautifully-made, tiny details and their faces are so sweet. I know you'll want one too.


Strange Doll

Two-Headed Witch Doll

Conjoined Twins



I can vouch that you will not regret a penny you spent on one of Lina's dolls. I gaze at mine daily and imagine they are having all sorts of adventures in the other world.


  1. These are truly, completely gorgeous. It's instantly easy to see why you've purchased some of Lina's resplendent creations.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life


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