Mr. Bony's Nurse Shop Update!

I'm a big fan of the paper mâché and clay Halloween art from Mr. Bony's Nurse. I've featured the artist's work (she remains anonymous no matter how hard I look!) in the past and I've noticed a recent shop update with lots of new figures. Best part is that so many of them are either nodders or wind-ups! You can see short videos of them on Etsy. I really like the direction this artist is taking, an I thought I'd share them with you.

Wind-Up Devil with Spinning Ghosts

Halloween Mantle Clock
Devil Nodder on Skull Candy Container

Devil on a Crow Pull Toy

Wind-Up Ghost with Baby in Carriage

Skeleton Nodder on Halloween Clock

There are so many great pieces in this shop right now! Head over quickly before they're gone.


  1. Whimsy tumbles out of every paper mache pore of these captivating, thoroughly wonderful creations.

    Autumn Zenith 🎃 Witchcrafted Life


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