Forever Autumn: Unusual Dolls & Sculpture

The art dolls from Forever Autumn never fail to capture my attention. They're a little creepy, sometimes gruesome, yet also beautiful.  They look like dolls a disturbed Victorian child would own- and that makes them so interesting! Not only do I want to know about the doll, I also want to know about the owner. You'll also find sculptures of doll heads that I think would look lovely on the end of a turned wooden wand.

Vampire Girl

Conjoined Clown Doll 

Three-Eyed Doll Sculpture

Witch Doll Sculpture

Hybrid Monster Art Doll

Victorian Steampunk Sculpture

I love the details in the faces. Did you see the tiny bandage on the nose of the hybrid monster doll? Perfection!


  1. They really are perfection! What stunning works of 3D art. They instantly make me think of something that Wednesday Addams would be wild for as well.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life


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