I'm interrupting this regularly scheduled Halloween art post to let you know that the must-have summer hat of the season from
Witching Hour Baby is back in stock! I was so excited when I looked at my email this morning notifying me that the
Strange & Unusual Black Straw Hat could be mine that I squealed with delight. Anyone who loves Beetlejuice needs this hat.
By 5:30 AM this morning I had purchased my hat. Don't delay on this one because I have a feeling they're going to sell out fast again. And while you're in the shop, take a look around. There are lots of baby, toddler, and kids clothes for the Goth family, but you'll also find some cool adult clothing as well. Let's have a look.
This is a great shop to bookmark because you just might need to find a baby gift for a strange and unusual family- we all know one.
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