Black Plague Friday!

It's been sort of a tradition at Shivers of Delight to feature the Black Plague the day after Thanksgiving. So, here are 13 deadly delightful items I've found for you.

Plague Doctor T-shirt from ArtboxWolf
Plague Doctor Mixed Media Shadowbox from AnnasHaberdashery
Beaded Plague Doctor Brooch from WonderworkBeads
Plague Doctor Hand Puppet from tragicomic
Plague Doctor Ornament from SimonsNest
Plague Doctor Statue from MinibrandAtelier
Plague Doctor Figurine from CELillustration
Plague Doctor Get Well Soon Card from TheCraftyBurrEato
Plague Doctor Print from EerieDesignFactory
Plague Doctor Mug from Dethskulpt
Black Plague Beanie Hat from xDisfunctionalDollsx
Plague Doctor Raven Patch from SpiderStitchesParlor
Taxidermy Black Plague Doctor Mouse from mandymoon
That should do it then. Be careful out there.
