I read in the New York Times last week that paper maché is back in fashion, or maybe it was that we've already missed the paper maché trend. OK, I only read the headline, but in my house paper maché has always been in fashion. These days paper maché also seems to mean paper clay. I won't debate it with you, but I have questions. Today I'm featuring the whimspookal paper maché / paper clay sculptures of
Terry Graber. They're delightful whatever you want to call them.
If you're interested, the New York Times article is "
Could Papier-Mâché Be the Perfect Medium for Our Times?". It's a good article (I did finally read it) and if you ever get a chance to visit the Bread and Puppet Theater museum in Vermont, go! The giant paper maché sculptures are amazing. Hmmm, that should probably be a post.
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