
Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Outside Halloween Decorations!

Can you believe we're only two weeks away from Halloween! I think the front of our house is ready to show you, but I know I'll be tweaking here and there as the days go by. It never ends really does it?

The Flames
The most significant feature of our Halloween decorations is "The Flames." We made them out of plywood 13 years ago and they could use some paint retouch. We have to put them up every year or the neighbors complain. Yes, they complain if we don't put them up.

Lovely Assistant, Rachel
This year we had assistance putting up our decorations from our friend, Rachel. She did two things really well: she brought beer with her and she kept my husband and I from bickering the entire time. She was instrumental in how much we enjoyed it this year.

The Devil
The Devil also came to "help," but as expected, he was a slacker and mostly just caused trouble.

Gentleman Crow
Of course, Gentleman Crow is always reliable as the door greeter and bouncer when the crowd gets out of control. Kitty and Pumpkinhead are also a big help with that.

If everything goes right, it all comes together. The eyeball banner is something that I made and you can see it in more detail at The All Seeing Eye Banner.  My husband has a love-hate relationship with it because he has to climb out the window and onto the roof to hang it. That doesn't sound difficult unless you have historic windows that often don't want to cooperate. Fortunately Rachel charmed them and they opened and closed with no problem.

Ta Da!
I have to admit that not much changes year from year, but that's what makes it a tradition. I know Halloween is really here when everything is put in it's place. As the last flame is secured, I can feel the magic.

If you live in the area and see our house, stop in for a spell!

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