Keep Halloween In Your Pocket

I hear a lot of people say they get depressed when Halloween is over. I'm afraid the Christmas music before Thanksgiving might just drive them over the edge. Fortunately, I think I might have a solution for anyone who needs a reminder that the spirit of Halloween is with us everyday: Pocket Halloween Shrines.

You know those mint tins in random drawers around your house? Turn them into a memento Halloween box! You can carry one in your purse or pocket and when you start to hear the sounds of "We Wish You A Merry Christmas", just whip that shrine out, open it up, and breathe a sigh of relief.

If you're not feeling very crafty at the moment, MindThePins is a shop that sells little spooky shrines. These adorable little shrines offer words of encouragement and are made from bits of lace, religious charms, tiny little skeletons.

Little Skeleton Shrine: Be Persistent 
Little Skeleton Shrine: You Are The Controller
Little Skeleton Shrines: Rough Times Are Behind You
Small Maleficent Shrine
Little Skeleton Shrine: Good Sense
Little Skeleton Shrine: The Best Way
MindThePins also has an entire collection of Voodoo dolls that would make fun stocking stuffers. Come on, now, we can't forget Christmas is coming, after all.
