I stumbled upon weathervane artist
David Smith through a painting he did of an approaching storm. I wanted to see what else he was painting and was blown away (pun intended) by his weathervanes. What makes Smith even more interesting is that he never studied art and learned he had a talent for metal art quite by accident. You should read
his bio because it's that fascinating- at least it was to me.
Smith sold his first weathervane unexpectedly on Ebay as a way to prove that his art wouldn't sell and he hasn't stopped selling art since. He now sells on Etsy and his shop is
I think Smith's work is stunning. If you'd like to see a weathervane of sorts that he did of our current president, you should hop over to his
website. It will give you a chuckle. And, if you're interested in Smith's painting of an approaching storm I'll post it below, but you can see more of his paintings on Etsy.
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