Last weekend my husband and I made a visit to the Ballard Museum of Puppetry. It's a small but interesting little place. Besides a collection of marionettes, they had a fascinating exhibit of crankies, which I came to learn are boxes that hold a scrolled story painted on canvas that you crank through to understand the story. I kept thinking about making one with a spooky story on it that could be displayed at Halloween. So many possibilities. Maybe that will be a post someday.
All that to bring me to today's post. I've always been a little curious and captivated by marionettes. It's a real art and skill to be able to manipulate them. And, of course, they are a little spooky. I sometimes think they must be alive to move the way they do.
Petr Skacel is a puppetry artist from Prague. Already it's magical, right? He has a large collection of marionettes in his shop (
Czech Marionettes) that range from the simple for beginners to real pieces of art for use in the theater. We wouldn't be talking about them if they weren't a bit scary, so I won't prolong the discussion other than to say ♥.
I want to put on a puppet show right now! Wouldn't it be fun to have a puppet show at your next Halloween party? There is time to plan this out. Get going.
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