Don't you love those images of little bats wrapped in colorful blankets that pop up on Facebook every few months? I do. Every time I see one I think "I want a baby bat!" In reality, I probably don't want one. Did I ever tell you about the time one of my cats caught a bat and left it (alive) next to my head while I was sleeping? There may have been screaming involved. Fortunately my housemate rescued the bat and helped it recover quietly till he released it. And, no, none of us got rabies shots which may explain a few things.
In honor of my bat bedmate, I'm looking at these adorable bat pendants.
By the way, if you do come in contact with a bat out in the wild (or next to your pillow), you really should have it tested for rabies or undergo the horrid rabies shots. Don't be like me.
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