If you're reading this then you are one of the lucky ones who escaped the 2016 Grim Reaper. There is probably a t-shirt for that. The Reaper was on a roll last year, but just because you survived doesn't mean that you're on Easy Street. Look around you. If you're like me your house is a mess from trying to create a trap for the Reaper and places to hide from him. Our houses need a little organization and there is no better place to start than with our collection of spells, ghost stories, and Book of Shadows. I'm talking books. Whether you organize them by subject, author, or color (I've done that) they deserve something special to hold them up. Let's head over to
Knob Creek Metal Arts, shall we?
There are hundreds of bookends in this shop. They're all delightful. If you have a spooktacular book collection, it's time to show it a little love.
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