Ghostly Lights

I'm starting to notice the days getting shorter. It's dark when I get up in the morning and it's dark when I go to bed. At the height of summer, I never even see the dark! That got me thinking that it would be nice to have a ghost nightlight in the hall. I was surprised to find out there aren't that many available unless you consider the pac-man ghost. I'll be just as happy with a small ghost lamp.

Casper the Friendly Ghost (Ebay)
SPOKA Night Light (IKEA)
Smiski Glow in the Dark Figures (Urban Outfitters)
Vintage Ghost Light (Etsy)
Ready-to-Paint Ceramic Ghost (Etsy)
Hanging Ghost Lamp (Etsy)
And, in case the electricity goes out...

Tiny Ghost Candles (Etsy)

Now, there is no reason to be afraid of the dark.
