I secretly want to be a creepy doll artist. I have a fantasy of living in a large Empire-Revival house (think Addams Family) with a garden full of poisonous plants and a large workshop for creating troubled dolls. But enough about me. Today I bring you someone who in my mind is living the dream.
Rose Frazer of
Dark Manor Dolls says she has been making dolls since she was a child. What began as sock puppets now is a full-blown business making dolls from clay and fabric. These are dolls of fantasy and fairy tales. I'm a fan. After looking at her website and checking out her blog, I want a copy of her reading list.
The dolls I'm displaying today are available at her
Dark Manor Dolls Etsy shop, but take a look at the gallery on her website too.
You know it's bad when you have to start looking at buying a new piece of furniture to house your collection. I really can't quit my day job.
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