Robinson writes:
I have become rather obsessed with creating dolls that are decaying in some way. I have been exposing the armatures much more and using burned and non traditional materials. The 2 new sculptures I have available are inspired by stories of the afterlife.
Robinson has also been working with a 3D pen that uses a plastic thread instead of ink to allow the artist to create sculptures. She has several additional pieces using the new technology that she says have been described as a witchy nervous system.
Strange Dolls has a shop on Etsy where Robinson lists her latest work. Hopefully, by the time you read this, there will still be pieces available. If not, you can see them on her blog.
Persephone |
Lady of Lethe |
3D Doodler Witch |
Other dolls available in the shop are just as amazing.
Gator Girl |
Bone Doll |
Corpse Paint Doll |
I own one of Robinson's "Accident Dolls." In a future post, I'll show you the dolls I currently own and how they're displayed. Just in case you were wondering.
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