The Jacks logo drives me crazy, but I like the candles so, I'll forgive them. Just look at it! That should be enough to scare you right there.
The candles are from a Korean company and if you go to their
website and don't speak Korean you won't be able to read a thing. Good thing I found this
English website for you. (Notice they don't include the logo.)
I love that when you burn the brains candle the wax runs out the eye socket like tears. Just perfect. The skulls come in black or white and the brains come in a variety of colors.
Not feeling like you need another skull? How about burning the ears off of an adorable bunny? (You're not right.)
But wait! There's more. You can also burn the antlers off of Rudolph. Perfect for any Christmas display.
Replacement brains, ears, and antler candles are available for when you've burned your sacrifices. Just fabulous.
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