I have to admit that I haven't hosted a Halloween dinner party. I've wanted to for several years, but my guest list is usually too large for a seated dinner party, which is what I really want to do. The other reason I haven't made it happen is that I hate to cook. That's a problem when you want to host a dinner party. That hasn't stopped me from purchasing plates and wine glasses though. It's a sickness I tell you.
Since it doesn't look like it will happen for me this year either, I'm going to share a few of my favorite pins of other people's opulent and ghostly dinner parties. Click on the links to head to the full posts and all their lovely photos.
This amazing woodland setting is from the blog
SHWA.net. A landscape architect describes how he turned his living room into an enchanting dining area for Halloween. He makes it look so easy!
The blog Between Naps on the Porch.net has a charming and intimate tablescape with just the right amount of spookiness.
Camille Styles.com has a mysterious and gothic dinner party theme from the Addams Family. I love this one.
Coco & Kelly.com designs a Midnight in the Garden theme that is both magical and a little ominous.
If you feel inspired, I have a few items you might be interested in purchasing for your dinner party.
Just one more dinner party photo that I couldn't resist. I don't know the original source for this photo, but I would love to re-create it.
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