On August 25, 1835 the New York Sun published a series of articles over five days that are now known as The Great Moon Hoax. The articles pretended to be reprinted from the Edinburgh Courant and written by scientists who had designed a telescope that could see every bit of the moon. The articles described in great detail what they viewed which included: bison, goats, unicorns and bat-like winged humanoids. That's good stuff. For the full text of the articles see Hoaxes.org.
In honor of this great hoax, which I'm sure frightened any number of people, I say we celebrate with a Full Moon cocktail from MixThatDrink.com. This packs a punch and may cause you to see a unicorn.
In honor of this great hoax, which I'm sure frightened any number of people, I say we celebrate with a Full Moon cocktail from MixThatDrink.com. This packs a punch and may cause you to see a unicorn.
Full Moon Cocktail
1 1/2 oz Orange Curacao
1 1/2 oz Amaretto
Fill a glass with ice and pour ingredients. Stir and consume.
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