I came across this illustration the other day and thought it would be amusing to create a corner by the back door for a sort of Witch Coat Check. It came from
Pumpkinrot (a great blog), but I'm not sure of the source because it was not Pinned properly; hate that.
In order to pull this off, it should be subtle. Don't use any kitchy Halloween signs like "Park Broom Here" or "The Witch Is In." It shouldn't scream "look at me!" All you need is a quality witch's hat, cape and a broom. Pointy shoes are optional. Go for an authentic cape and hat that you might just possibly wear. A drugstore costume just won't have the same integrity. Here are some suggestions I found on Etsy.
First off, the hat. Decide whether you're creating the everyday run-to-the-apothecary witch or the stylish going-to-Samhain witch. One needs a durable wool hat, the other, a fancy couture hat. Both
HandiCraftKate and
EverCrumblyAndWitch have hats in many colors. I just prefer the traditional black.
The cape should be something so lovely you just have to touch it. There are many vintage and antique Opera capes that are handsome to look at, but don't overlook the well-made wool cloak.
The crowning feature of the Witch's Corner is, of course, the broom. Find a beautifully handcrafted one.
If only I had a magic wand. But, that's another post....
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