New Orleans had the best pastries and bread I've had in a long time. Really, it was delicious. That's why I think the sculptures of Scott Hove, an artist I saw at the Red Truck Gallery, are the perfect way to end the week. You see, Hove has a thing for cake and teeth. This is cake that will bit back. A dieter's delight? You should also check out Hove's website for a complete cake installation. I would love to wear these shoes...
The Red Truck Gallery has several other artists you should see including Adam Wallacavage and his octopus lights that I posted about just a few weeks ago. The gallery is located at 938 Royal Street, New Orleans.
The Red Truck Gallery has several other artists you should see including Adam Wallacavage and his octopus lights that I posted about just a few weeks ago. The gallery is located at 938 Royal Street, New Orleans.
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