
Saturday, October 29, 2022

Our Halloween Mantel & Dining Room

Why oh why do I struggle to put together our Halloween fireplace mantel? I wish I had video of me standing in front of it with my arms crossed, my brow furrowed, as I stand completely still just staring at it. This goes on for weeks. I place an item, stand back and stare, and then move it 1 inch, stare some more, then take it down. I think my husband probably notes this in his "Jori's Strange Behavior" journal. 

This year our party theme is a séance and I wanted the mantel to reflect that. I also didn't want to have to buy anything new for it (I have so much already!) and I only ended up purchasing black candles and the moon and stars banner. 

Here are a bunch of photos of my slow process (finished just 2 days before Halloween!) and some shots of the rest of the dining room. 

Halloween DecorHalloween Decor

Halloween Decor

Halloween Decor

Halloween Decor

Halloween Decor

Halloween Decor

Halloween Decor

Halloween Decor

Halloween Decor

Halloween Decor

Halloween Decor

Halloween Decor

Halloween Decor

Really, it shouldn't take as long as it does, but I'm happy with the results. I hope you get some inspiration from this!

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Thirteen Days of Halloween: Days 8 to 13

I hope you've been enjoying the activities for the 13 Days of Halloween I posted last week. I've been having fun wearing a cape for the last few days even though my husband has been giving me some strange looks. Really, that's nothing new.

Remember this is a no pressure activity! If you miss a few days, it's okay. Each day adds to the last, so you'll still get to do everything- and personal interpretation is encouraged. And now, days 8 through 13.

13 Days of Halloween

13 Days of Halloween

13 Days of Halloween

13 Days of Halloween

13 Days of Halloween

13 Days of Halloween

I hope this sparks the delight you felt as a child at Halloween. Have fun with it!

Happy Halloween

Friday, October 21, 2022

My Trip to Bewitching Peddlers of Halloween 2022

I know it's weird that the closer to Halloween we get Shivers of Delight has less posts, but really I'm just living in the moment of this spooky season and hate to sit at my computer (plus I have Covid!) I figure that you, my readers, are busy too. 

However, I don't want to forget my trip to Marshall, MI for Bewitching Peddlers of Halloween so I'm pausing my decorating to memorialize it. My husband and I drove from Connecticut early in the morning and after 12 1/2 hours in the car we arrived in Marshall in time to swing by the Calhoun County Fairgrounds to pick up a number for the early sale on Saturday. Now, truth be told, you don't actually need a number to go to the early sale, but it's part of the ritual and excitement for me. If you are hoping to purchase a specific piece, a number helps you get further up in the line, but even that doesn't guarantee you'll get it. I had number 66 and by the time I walked in the door certain artists' booths were already jam packed and I couldn't even work my way in.

Once you have your number you can show up just a few minutes before the doors open at 8AM, but what's the fun in that?! I enjoy arriving before the sun rises and standing in line and talking with the other Halloween art fans around me about things only we appreciate. 

Shivers of Delight Blog

Once I entered the doors (with my free BPoH tote bag, ribbon, and mug!) I had a moment of panic. Everyone was scurrying around and my plan of which booths to visit first were thrown into the cauldron because each booth was already packed with buyers. After taking a breath, I realized there are so many amazing artists here that I can't make a regretful purchase. 

Shivers of Delight Blog

Shivers of Delight Blog

Wondering what I purchased? Here they are in my home.

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Baba Yaga, Artist Jennie Hepler Takens (My Dearest Witch)

Shivers of Delight Blog
Bat Doll, Artist Lurena Williamson (Tattered Moon)
Fish Witch, Artist Stacey Walsh (The Goode Wife)

Shivers of Delight Blog
Posable Witch Figure, Artist Rachel Garrison (VanDolls)

Shivers of Delight Blog
Nosferato & Bat in Orange, Artist Stacey Bear (Mementos Art)
Krampus Ornament, Artist Aaron Lowe

Shivers of Delight Blog
"Bixby" Black Cat with Ruffle Collar, Artist Rebecca Miller Campbell

Shivers of Delight Blog
Tall Pumpkin on Candlestick, Artist Ann Marie Fischer (Giggles)

Shivers of Delight Blog
Witch Shot Glass, Artist Lucky Stradley

Shivers of Delight Blog
Witch Pendant, Artist Avery Applegate (Mourning Glory)

Shivers of Delight Blog
Trick or Treat Witch, Artist Jody Mankerian (The Plaid Herb)

The last figure actually came from an adorable shop in downtown Marshall called The Plaid Herb. Mankerian makes all her own figures! 

I treasure my trips to Bewitching Peddlers of Halloween. It is so wonderful to meet and talk with the artists. I wish I could purchase something from everyone and I never want to leave. It's my version of trick or treating as an adult!

Shivers of Delight BlogShivers of Delight Blog
Shivers of Delight Blog

I'll see you in Marshall, MI next year!

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Thirteen Days of Halloween: Days 1 to 7

Over the years, I've come to focus my attention on really enjoying Halloween during the 13 Days of Halloween. It starts on October 19th and continues through Halloween night. I've not always had a clear picture of how I would do it each year; I just plan to do some of my favorite things. 

This year, I've decided to try to make it a tradition somewhat like the 12 Days of Christmas. I'll start with one thing on the 19th and add something everyday- repeating the things I've done on the previous days. You with me? Really, this is going to be fun! 

Here's what I've mapped out. 

13 Days of Halloween

13 Days of Halloween

13 Days of Halloween

13 Days of Halloween

13 Days of Halloween

13 Days of Halloween

13 Days of Halloween

Next week I'll post the final 6 days. Let me know what you think.

Happy First Day of Halloween!!

Monday, October 10, 2022

Halloween Came Alive Outside Our House!

It took two weekends this year, but I got it all up and lit the lights. I think the hardest part for me is always the lighting. There are so many spot lights and extension cords! The best part is when neighbors walking by comment how much they enjoy our Halloween decor and that they wait for the flames to come out every year. I think this is our 17th year putting up the flames and we try to add a little something new every few years.

Outside Halloween Decorations

Outside Halloween Decorations

Outside Halloween Decorations

Outside Halloween Decorations

Outside Halloween Decorations

If you'd like to see how I made the upstairs window faces I'll have a post later this week on how I did it.

Click the links to see how I made the Gentleman Crow and Skeleton Witch.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Bewitching Peddlers of Halloween!

Tomorrow morning my husband and I jump in the car and head out to Marshall, Michigan for the Bewitching Peddlers of Halloween art show. I am so EXCITED! 

If you're going this year too, make sure you look for me and say hi! I'll be at the early buy part of the show at 8am, and I'll be wearing my new, bright orange, Halloween Witch dress- if I can wear my pumpkin shoes, I'll have those on too.

This show really kicks off the season for me and believe me when I say it is magical. To be surrounded by such amazing Halloween artists all in one place is awesome, but add in the beautiful booths and you'll be in spooky heaven. If you haven't been before, make sure it's on your bucket list. Keep an eye on my Instagram account for photos of my trip. I hope to see you there!

Thursday, September 8, 2022

The Scariest Hour of Halloween: So, You're Hosting a Halloween Party

What's the scariest hour of Halloween? It's not midnight or even 3AM. It's not the hour when your trick-or-treat candy is about to run out and you see a busload of kids pull into your driveway- although that ranks up there. 

No, the scariest hour of Halloween for me is the hour before our Halloween party is about to begin. Ask my husband; he'll tell you. He gets really nervous as that hour gets closer. He tries to stay at least 8 feet away from me and gives me sly, worried, sidelong glances. He gets very quiet.

One hour before the official start of our party I turn into a panicked maniac. I'm like a cross between a mad scientist and a werewolf. Simultaneously throwing food and alcohol around and biting the heads off anyone trying to help who cannot read my mind. My stomach is in my chest and my heart is in my throat. 

What are you doing? Fan those slices of cheese! No the cookie tray is all wrong! Alternate colors for gods sake! Who put these napkins here! Turn the music down! Turn the music up! We need more ice! No!No!No! You can't mix IPAs and Ciders in the same tub! Who was lighting candles? You forgot half of them! Oh, never mind. I'll take care of it.

Me, looking calmer than I was
while my friends worked furiously behind me

Sound familiar? You've either arrived early at a party at our house or you're a demanding control freak with unobtainable standards like me. If it's the latter, you're in the right place. (Hi.) If it's the former, I'm so terribly sorry. I'm learning to do better.

So what's a ghoul to do? I love the idea of throwing parties. It's the reality that throws me. 

Well, I've decided to let the orderly Kitchen Witch sweep the mad scientist and werewolf out of the house this year. I've been ruminating on my situation (our Halloween party is only weeks away) and thought you might perhaps find my revelations useful. 

Let's be realistic. We only have four segments of 15 minutes the hour before the party starts. That's not a lot of time. Trying to do too much only leads to chaos. To make the Scariest Hour of Halloween less frightening, I'm going to have to do a party run-through the day before. I never do this the way it should be done and things are going to change.

New & Improved Rules for the Scariest Hour of Halloween

Start the music and light the candles (1st 15 minutes)

Music can be relaxing. I always hated starting the music too soon because I thought what if all the best songs play first?! Who cares! I'm making a Scariest Hour playlist of all my favorite songs and I can repeat them later in the playlist. 

Light the candles early. Again, it sets the mood and gets this task out of the way. Candles won't burn down for at least a couple of hours. I can always tuck some spare ones out of sight in case I need to relight.

Ice the drinks and set out the food (2nd 15 minutes)

We put our beer and cider in tubs of ice. For some reason we always try to do the ice and arrange the cans at the same time. This year I'm putting the cans in the tubs the day before. That way we just have to pour the ice over the top. If I add some cold water to that, they'll cool down even faster. (If you're using metal tubs, I suggest lining them with a garbage bag. Crawling on your hands and knees trying to mop up water between the legs of guests is a mood killer. Been there, done that.)

Set out the food onto the buffet table. The less temperature challenged the food, the better. In the past I've served hot foods and frankly that gets crazy at the last minute. Unless the appetizer can  be made in a crockpot and quickly transferred to a warming dish it's off the menu this year. I'm serving room temperature foods that can be made ahead of time and placed on the table 30 minutes before the start of the party. No complicated platter preparations- that all will be done ahead of time, wrapped in plastic or aluminum foil and kept in a cool place)

Powder my nose and take a few photographs (30 minutes mark)

I never take a moment to fix my hair and adjust my costume before guests arrive. This year I'm going to take 5 minutes or so to powder my damn nose. And then, I'm going to take some photographs of the buffet table and chilling drinks. I never get a chance to take these photos before the guests arrive and the table becomes disheveled. I will take pictures of the party decor (sans the table) the night before in a dry run. 

Drink a toast to a great evening (15 minutes before the party starts)

Let this be the quiet before the party revs up. I'll pour myself and my husband a drink and make a toast to a successful party. We really need to set intentions- a spell if you prefer. A final walkthrough to admire our handiwork seals the deal and we're ready to great guests.

This is my dream of how the Scariest Hour of Halloween will go. (Well, actually my dream is to have the party catered with wait staff where I walk down a grand staircase 30 minutes after the party has started in a fantastic costume- yah.) 

Being realistic, the above four steps are all I can manage in 60 minutes- even that seems a bit rushed. In the past, I've tried to do way too much. In order for my plan to work, it relies on prep work earlier in the day and the day beforehand. Hosting a party that people will remember is a lot of work and takes a lot of planning, but it's so worth the effort.

You're probably wondering right now how this helps me to be less demanding and in control. It doesn't. Ha! That's going to take a lot of therapy and meditation. The good news is I'll try not to stress out my family and friends anymore. If I need help, I'll gather people at least 6 hours before the start of the party so that they have time to go home, relax, and get ready for a fun evening too. That's the point of a party!