
Monday, October 19, 2020

Pencils Down: The 13 Days of Halloween Have Begun!

October 19th is the first day of Halloween in my mind. And you know what that makes me? ANXIOUS. It's been building for a few weeks now and while I think and plan about Halloween all year long when it actually comes time to enjoy it I have a really hard time putting my pencil down and relaxing. Does that happen to you?

A few years ago I thought that maybe if I celebrated Halloween on the twelve days leading up to the actual day -a least a little bit, it might help the panic subside. Nope. Now I just stress about how I'm going to enjoy the 13 days and worry that I don't have a good plan! 😂

I'm going to try really hard to enjoy the next 13 days and not focus on what I haven't done. Happy memories are just flashes of time and so I figure I just need about 10 seconds of Halloween joy a day to hold onto. I'm serious when I say that I started this blog because I have a terrible memory.

For the next 13 days, the posts will be a little different. There won't be many shopping posts, just me celebrating Halloween and hoping that you'll join me in finding 10 seconds a day to create a great memory.

So, today I'll share with you one of my successes. I've been wanting to do a photo shoot area in our yard for trick-or-treaters for several years and this year, with my husband's help, I finally did it. Using the giant flames we made about 15 years ago I added a skeleton witch and a giant cauldron you can stand behind for a photo. My fabulous husband built some sturdy stands to anchor the largest flames so that they don't blow over. 

We made the cauldron from plywood that I carefully sketched out and painted.

The witch I made from a purchased skeleton and used an old lamp in our basement for a base to support her and give her some stability. I created her dress and cape from chickenwire and then covered them in black and orange plastic tablecloths. Her hat was a lucky find at Marshalls that fit her head perfectly. 

I love how it turned out! We've been getting many compliments from our neighbors as well which always makes me happy. 

We haven't actually taken our own photo in the scene because I'm always running around fluffing and making lists. I think today is the day to enjoy what we have created and capture that memory with a photo. 

Happy First Day of Halloween! 

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