
Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Moon and Serpent Sale!

I've featured Moon and Serpent jewelry in the past, but it's been a few years and since the shop is having a sale I decided you need to know! If you use the code "Beltane18" in the Etsy shop, you'll receive a 15% discount.

I really love the mystical, silver jewelry that Gölsu Simsek (Istanbul, Turkey) is making. Simsek is inspired by alchemy, occult, folklore, nature, and even Victorian mourning practices. I love her snapdragon seeds necklace that looks like little skulls.

mystical jewelry, occult jewelry
Snapdragon Seeds Pendant
mystical jewelry, occult jewelry
Deadly Nightshade Pedant
mystical jewelry, occult jewelry
Black Widow Spider with Smoky Topaz Necklace
mystical jewelry, occult jewelry
Mid-Flight Witches' Sabbath Boot Necklace
mystical jewelry, occult jewelry
The Magnus Skull and Collar Ring
mystical jewelry, occult jewelry
Key to Hell Necklace (Sandman Tribute)
Simsek also has a non-Etsy shop if you prefer. You'll find it at  It's spring, buy yourself something lovely!

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