
Friday, March 10, 2017

Haunting Marionettes

Last weekend my husband and I made a visit to the Ballard Museum of Puppetry. It's a small but interesting little place. Besides a collection of marionettes, they had a fascinating exhibit of crankies, which I came to learn are boxes that hold a scrolled story painted on canvas that you crank through to understand the story. I kept thinking about making one with a spooky story on it that could be displayed at Halloween. So many possibilities. Maybe that will be a post someday.

All that to bring me to today's post. I've always been a little curious and captivated by marionettes. It's a real art and skill to be able to manipulate them. And, of course, they are a little spooky. I sometimes think they must be alive to move the way they do.

Petr Skacel is a puppetry artist from Prague. Already it's magical, right? He has a large collection of marionettes in his shop (Czech Marionettes) that range from the simple for beginners to real pieces of art for use in the theater. We wouldn't be talking about them if they weren't a bit scary, so I won't prolong the discussion other than to say ♥.

Vampire Barnabas
Mr. & Mrs. Dracula
Smiling Skeleton

Large Witch

I want to put on a puppet show right now! Wouldn't it be fun to have a puppet show at your next Halloween party? There is time to plan this out. Get going.

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