
Thursday, September 1, 2016

Halloween Assemblage from Mixed Media Max

Do you have a cupboard where you store glass and tin containers thinking "I hate to throw those away. I'm sure it will come in handy someday or I'll make something out of it!" NOT. Never going to happen; for most of us anyway.

Lisa Rupp of Mixed Media Max is the exception. She actually does make things from all those odd containers and she probably does it better than we could. So, just recycle that clutter and get on with your life. Then, as a reward, purchase one of Rupp's fine pieces as an homage to that empty cupboard.

Halloween Mummy Skeleton
Halloween Miniature Yellow House
Halloween Witch
Steampunk Phone and Bird
Halloween Miniature Orange House

These pieces are super affordable and are simply darling. Rupp's website has a list of shops and shows you can see her work at including one coming up in November. Now, go grab your recycling bin and get it over with before Mixed Media Max is sold out.

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