
Friday, November 13, 2015

One Last Chance at Rabechilbi

I have to admit right here that I didn't carve a pumpkin this year. I thought about it, but it just didn't happen. I have a feeling there are others like me. Don't fret. I found a celebration that carves turnips for a parade on the second Saturday of November!  The festival is called Rabechilbi (get out your pencil and add two dots over that "a" for me) Just one minor detail; we all have to go to Switzerland- the town of Richterswil would be perfect. Richterswil, located on Lake Zurich, has the largest parade and is entirely decorated with lit turnips.

Or do we? I say we all get a few turnips or beets tomorrow morning, carve them, and then parade around our neighborhoods with lit turnips after dark. We can finish up the evening by having cheese fondue. Who's with me?

For inspiration, I'm posting a few photos I found of the parade floats and carved turnips that are absolutely beautiful.  I'm not sure that there is any spooky custom behind the celebration, but we can pretend. I stumbled upon this when I was researching the history of carving pumpkins- originally turnips- for a Halloween post. But that's another story.

courtesy of
courtesy of
courtesy of
Turnip Parade Float
Carved Turnips

The festival looks enchanting. I say we make plans for next year.


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