
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

New England Autumn

Autumn has been beautiful this year in New England. We've had warm days and chilly evenings.  The trees have been putting on a long, spectacular display. In my effort to not get so absorbed in projects, I decided to capture my ride to work in some photos this past week. (That's a project, isn't it.) My commute can be done on the highway or by taking rural back roads and ends in an urban center.

Want to take a ride with me? These were shot with my IPhone. I wish I was a better photographer, but you'll get a sense of what I see. Everyone morning I get stopped at a traffic light next to the New England Funeral and Crematory Center. I'd love to have that tour.

You really should try to visit New England in autumn. It's enchanting.

1 comment:

  1. I am green with envy over your gorgeous fall colors. Living in Texas, this is something I always miss out on every year. We go straight from green to brown at the end of November/beginning of December.

    Thank you for sharing these! <3
