
Friday, October 30, 2015

More Shivers of Delight Party Decorations

Today is my husband's and my 11th wedding anniversary and tonight is our umpteenth Halloween party. It's a big day here so, forgive me for posting more photos of our decorations. I hope you get a little inspiration from them.

Tomorrow on Halloween, I intend to keep my feet up and enjoy the day. Happy Halloween, everyone and thank you for reading my blog!

Don't leave this Bat Channel! Halloween never ends at Shivers of Delight.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Shivers of Delight Party Decorations

Oh my gosh! Who has time to write a blog when there is so much to do? I'm furiously preparing for our party tomorrow so here are a few photos (badly lit photos at that) of our decorations.

The Back Porch

The Bar Room

Some Cats

More Halloween decorations coming tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Memorial Ribbon Party Favors

Handing out memorial ribbons for your party favor is tricky, I admit. Is it a sign that your party is going to suck? Perhaps, I like to keep expectations low. However, the idea behind this year's party favor is reminiscent of Victorian memorial ribbons. Since our Halloween party (just 2 days away!) is re-creating Edgar Allen Poe's wake, I thought it would be appropriate.

The following ribbons were my inspiration.

Expired Ebay Auction Memorial Ribbon
Abraham Lincoln Memorial Ribbon

However, when time started slipping away, I created a quick, multi-purpose memorial ribbon. I cut and sewed 2.5 inch black ribbon into pointed ends and then added stripped ribbon at the top to give it a bit more stability. The black stars are actually heavy cardboard gift tags. The skull was carefully cut from Halloween tulle and pasted on to the star. I added a pin on the back and am calling it finished. Did I call these quick? I was sewing every night for a week and even took them to work to continue sewing during lunch. They were supposed to be quick. 

If I were to make these again, I would purchase R.I.P. pre-printed ribbon in advance. Way, in advance. I think these can be worn to any fashionable funeral. Don't you?

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

New England Autumn

Autumn has been beautiful this year in New England. We've had warm days and chilly evenings.  The trees have been putting on a long, spectacular display. In my effort to not get so absorbed in projects, I decided to capture my ride to work in some photos this past week. (That's a project, isn't it.) My commute can be done on the highway or by taking rural back roads and ends in an urban center.

Want to take a ride with me? These were shot with my IPhone. I wish I was a better photographer, but you'll get a sense of what I see. Everyone morning I get stopped at a traffic light next to the New England Funeral and Crematory Center. I'd love to have that tour.

You really should try to visit New England in autumn. It's enchanting.