
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Malice and Mistletoe

"After a series of grisly Thanksgiving murders, 
an assassin is hired by Santa Claus to track down 
and kill the mythical Krampus."
Last week, I heard about a Kickstarter campaign for a new graphic novel called "Malice and Mistletoe." It looks promising. It's about time Krampus (Saint Nick's side-kick who takes care of the nasty children) is introduced into the American mainstream. Put the fear of Krampus into them, I say! Even better, the novel deals with the over-commercialism/consumption of Christmas. 

The graphic novel is by Nathan Graham Davis and Jack Purcell. Davis is a screenwriter and Purcell has worked for Marvel and DC comics. I'll be contributing to this campaign. I have to see how it ends. Join me! They only have 3 days left.

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