
Friday, October 11, 2024

Please Let Me Introduce You to Jorene (That's Me)

It's our Season of Delight and though I've been posting in this blog for 10 years (gulp) I thought it might be a good time to re-introduce myself.

Some very good friends of mine, Jen & Pat Healy of Mixture Group, have watched my passion for collecting Halloween art grow over the years and took it upon themselves to create and produce a fun and quirky short video about me and my unusual hobby. I'm brimming with delight because it's both scary and wonderful to see myself on video and have a camera focused on me. <insert another gulp here>

First and foremost I am a passionate collector of Halloween art. The blog and how I decorate our home is my expression of this. The video is about 4 minutes and I hope you enjoy it.

Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Bewitching Peddlers of Halloween 2024: What I purchased!

I have to admit that I rarely take a lot of photos at the Bewitching Peddlers of Halloween show because I'm too busy shopping. By the time I'm finished, some of the booths are empty and others are nearly so. That happens within the first hour. I'm not kidding. 

Shivers of Delight Blog

The Early Buy Ticket is $20 and starts at 8am sharp. Standing in line before the doors open is an event within itself. Collectors with numbers come early even though we have a guaranteed spot in line. I want to see who is there, hear what they're excited about, and check out their outfits. Most people take the effort to don their favorite Halloween clothing. 

Jennie Hepler-Takens, Show Producer

The best part of standing in line is when Jennie Hepler-Takens (show producer and artist behind My Dearest Witch) and Amy Schneider (show photographer and assistant extraordinaire) come through the line handing out tote bags, mugs, and an official ribbon to wear- all for the price of admission! Maybe someday I'll have enough tote bags to make a cape. Life goals. That's a joke....maybe. 

I've found that there are two methods of attacking the show. Kristen Stafford (Halloween Art & Travel podcast) has a clear plan of which booths she will visit and in what order. She uses her map of the show like a football play diagram. It's amazing. Then there is my plan which is to pick the first artist's booth I will visit and then I just become dazed and wander around like a zombie. Kristen's plan is clearly a better one. She had a mission and completes it. I enter the doors and my mind goes completely blank! I know it sounds odd, but I'm actually waiting for my pieces to call to me. I walk into a booth with no thoughts in my head and look around till something catches my eye more than once and then I buy it. The only reason I come out successfully is because there are no bad choices at this show. 

My husband, Rich, has even become fascinated with the show and runs ahead of me looking for pieces he thinks I will like and carrying all my shopping bags. He doesn't ever ask how much I've spent, just if I went over my budget and the answer is always "yes." Then he smiles and points something else out to me. He's a keeper.

So, that's how I spend one heavenly hour in Marshall, MI after driving 12 hours. It is so worth it. 

Thank you for reading this far if you're only interested in what I purchased. I have to say it always comes as a surprise to me when I unpack my bags days later. It's all such a blur and then wonderful to get excited all over again. This year I purchased 12 pieces at the show, plus Ellen Gee's Memento Mori Skull the night before. 

These photos are not posed where they'll be displayed. I try to document my pieces soon after I purchase them and when the photos to be bright and clear. You'll see them displayed in my collection during the next several weeks. 

Halloween Witch
Marie Antoinette (Jeanette Leary: Sugar Bright Studio)

Halloween Witch
Halloween Witch (Iva Wilcox)

Witch Louise
Witch Louise (collaboration piece between Colleen Moody & Iva Wilcox)

Halloween Candle Man
Candle Man (Jorge de Roja HoHoHalloween)

Ollie Owl in Fez
Ollie Owl in Fez (The Shadow Farm: David Schilling, artist

Mushroom Brooch
Mushroom Brooch (Petra Rachwalski: Designed by Emma)

Beatrice Bat Girl
Beatrice Bat Girl (Rebecca Miller Campbell)

Bat Girl
Bat Girl (Melissa Belanger)

Halloween Night
Halloween Night (Stacey Bear: Mementos Art & Antiques) 

Owl with a Book
Owl with Book (Stacey Bear: Mementos Art & Antiques)

Cat in the Moon
Cat in the Moon (Mandy Palomba: October Oddities)

Full-lenth, Hand-painted Skeleton Skirt
Full-length Hand-painted Skeleton Skirt (Nina Vivian Huryn)

Memento Mori Skull
Memento Mori Skull (Ellen Gee)

That is the sum of my art show purchases. Of course I made a few more purchases in Marshall and Chelsea, MI that I'll feature on Instagram and Facebook over the next few weeks.

Shivers of Delight Blog 2024

Friday, October 4, 2024

My Halloween Kick-off Event: Bewitching Peddlers of Halloween

For the last several years, my true Halloween kick-off event is making the trip to Marshall, Michigan for the Bewitching Peddlers of Halloween art show. If you've been following the blog or know me personally, you'll know that for me, attending BPOH is when I go completely delirious with joy. It's the one time every year that I can count on feeling like a child again. At one point during the show this year, my husband, Rich, actually told me that I should probably go sit in the car for awhile to calm down and relax for a bit. Ha! He was right! I needed a time out.

Bewitching Peddlers of Halloween 2024
"Bewitching" was last Saturday (Sept. 28) and I'll give you the quick rundown. (It looks long, but really, I'm leaving a lot out.) It takes us about 12 hours of driving to get to the show from Connecticut. We leave before dawn because my goal is to get to Marshall on Thursday evening in time to claim a number to stand in line for the early morning sale on Saturday. This isn't a ticket. Just a place holder for standing in line- and you must show a driver's license- collectors are serious about their place in line. It's important to get a low number if you are hoping to purchase a specific piece at the show. And, you will fall in love with specific pieces ahead of time because the artists attending will be flooding your social media feed with what they are bringing for weeks in advance. It got so bad that I had to scroll quickly through my feed this year with my eyes closed. I don't like to fall in love with a piece because the chance that you'll be able to purchase it is pretty low unless your number is under 10. My number ended up being 122 this year to put it into perspective, and I was near the front of the line. 

As we drove into the Calhoun County Fairgrounds, I spied Kristen Stafford of the podcast Halloween Art & Travel waiting to greet us. She arrived shortly before we did and got her number right before us. Line buddies! We couldn't have planned it better.

Bewitching Peddlers of Halloween 2024

Friday was spent shopping downtown Marshall- which is adorable and right out of a Norman Rockwell painting and then heading to Chelsea, MI for some more shopping. I know that you're probably wondering why I would be shopping ahead of the show, but as I explained to my husband, I wanted my credit card company to know I was there. I didn't want them declining my credit card because I was spending crazy amounts of money in under an hour on Saturday. Don't worry, Rich didn't really believe that excuse either. All I can say is that there are some really cute shops in this area. Also some good beer. We love visiting Albion Malleable and Dark Horse Brewing while we're in Michigan. (I swear no one is sponsoring this post- I just love these places so much!)

Friday evening there was a meet and greet with BPOH artists at Eastend Gallery in Marshall that was lots of fun. Some of the artists were invited to sell a piece of art at the gallery show and I was excited to be able to purchase a beautiful skull made by Ellen Gee- you may know her as the publisher and editor of Autumn Brilliance magazine. We had a delightful conversation about the beauty of death.

It was a frenzied hour of trying to talk to artists and other collectors. We only see each other once a year! I have to add that the punch probably helped the atmosphere- it was so delicious I asked for the recipe: one bottle of caramel vodka, one gallon of apple cider, and some caramel sauce swirled in. 

At one point, all the witches in the room went up to the ballroom on the third floor for a photo. I was chatting with Rebecca Miller Campbell and she said she hoped some child on the street was looking up at the windows and might see a witch standing there. Brilliant! I told her to gather the witches in the windows and I ran down to the street for a photograph. I wish I had a better camera than my phone, but the sentiment was captured at least. 

Bewitching Peddlers of Halloween 2024

We all headed to bed early that night in order to be fresh for the show next morning- at least that is what we promised each other before heading out to a brewery.

Bewitching Peddlers of Halloween 2024

Bewitching Peddlers of Halloween 2024

I'll post about the actual show tomorrow.

Friday, August 30, 2024

2024 Halloween Artist Pop-up Sales and Shows!

This is a post to bookmark! I'm going to keep a running list of Halloween artist pop-up sales, shop updates, and shows that will be taking place for the next few months. These are events that I see in my social media feeds and email and want to remember. I have a feeling you do as well. 

Just don't buy what I want. heheheheh


18-19th Salem Night Faire, Salem, MA

19th Clay of the Dead shop update 10am MT

25-26th Salem Night Faire, Salem, MA

Stay tuned for updates!

So sorry, did you miss these?


28th All Hallow's Art Fest in Petaluma, CA
28th Bewitching Peddlers of Halloween in Marshall, MI


30th  Wendy Addison Halloween Store Grand Opening in Port Costa, CA (Restocked every week!)

Monday, June 3, 2024

Shivers of Defocuses

You may have been wondering what I've been up to lately. 

Well, I've been caught in the cycle of busy work where nothing significant gets accomplished. 

I haven't lost my passion for all things spooky. I'm just waiting for this phase to pass. It always happens when I'm feeling a loss of direction or purpose. Rather than slow down and work it out I just add more mundane tasks to my to-do list. Do you do that too? For some reason, this blog keeps getting pushed aside. Perhaps I've been cursed?

While I figure it out, I hope you'll follow me on Instagram and Facebook where I'll post a daily inspiration (am I crazy?!) spooky stuff that inspires me, and hopefully you, to focus on what really matters: a deep connection with the mysterious, dark, and unknowable.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Are you following Strange Dolls?

It saves me a lot of time to be on artists' mailing lists. I hope you're taking advantage of it too. This week I received an email from Strange Dolls artist Beth Robinson about her new collection of Memento Mori boxes. They're beautiful!

I first saw Robinson's dolls at an art show in Vermont where she used to live. I purchased a melancholy doll with blood dripping from her nose and down her dainty white dress. It sounds gross, I know, but she is actually quite endearing. I brood about her troubles.

The figures in Robinson's Memento Mori boxes are fantastic and have an air of royalty. "Each element symbolizes the passage of time, the cycle of life,  and the inevitability of mortality." Robinson encases the figures in clear resin which for me almost freezes time. Very interesting.

Memento Mori Box #6

Memento Mori Box #1

Memento Mori Box #4

Memento Mori Box #3

If you like spiders, Robinson also has a few Black Widow Dolls in her shop.

Black Widow Doll #1

The Strange Doll shop is currently stocked with a great selection of art dolls and sculptures- even some Day of the Dead pieces. If you're looking for a doll stand (and who isn't when you're collecting Halloween art) I like this one because it's made to hold the dolls under their arms instead of around their waists. Don't miss out.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

It took about a year, but it's sort of done.

I realize that about this time last year, I started the redecorating project where I switched my dining room with my Halloween art gallery. You can see the start of the project here >> and here >>. I just needed more room for art! I didn't expect it to take quite as long as it did, but I think I can call it sort of done. Every time I buy a new piece of Halloween art I have to move half of it around again to find the right space, but I'm sure you all understand that. 

I was a bit sad to lose the large space I had for the dining room, but since we don't entertain that often it really didn't make sense to have the dining room there. The Halloween art gallery was in a tiny room and was so filled with art that there was no place to sit and enjoy it. It the end the switch made sense. 

Introducing the new Halloween Art Gallery.

If you would like to see a short reel of the room head to @shiversdelight on Instagram.